About the album
On July 3rd 2023, the 'Eyes In Their Hands' quartet came together for three hours in a small ground floor flat in Hitchin, to record a set of six evocative improvisations. The resulting album, 'Forced Displacement' was recorded in a room so cramped, that one musician had to perform from the kitchen. It was a set up that Joe Meek would have been proud of. Under these relatively difficult conditions, Jo-anne Cox, Dee Fry, Simon Puriņš and Ivan Riches recorded six improvisations focusing on and imagining how Putin's invasion of Ukraine was affecting the Ukrainian people.
The resulting music visualises and attempts to describe village, town and city populations, being displaced from their destroyed or flooded homes and communities. People being tortured, murdered, made homeless, or trying to survive without fuel and energy to keep themselves warm and fed. It is to the merit of the musicians' sensitivity to the Ukrainian situation, the quartet's friendship and support of each other, their skill, musicianship, professionalism, focus and their unyielding belief that they could make something happen - and it did. In the space of three hours, haunting music was created, with no score, predetermined direction or rehearsals. In that awkward space (small lounge and kitchen), the musicians' developed a musical focus on the plight of the people of Ukraine, which became six sonic journeys. The resulting improvisations are often beautiful, at times jarring and distorted and in certain passages rhythmically strange enough to echo the feeling of being part of a forced dispersal. The overall feel of the album is of a melancholic intensity.
By purchasing this album you are helping support Ukrainian people who have been forcibly displaced. All the quartet's financial proceeds will go to support charities currently working for Ukraine. Purchasers are asked to give what they can, the minimum donation is £5 for the album or £1 per track. If this album is purchased on any 'Bandcamp Friday' (first Friday of each month), starting with this album's release date Friday September 1st, Bandcamp will waver their fee.
About the quartet
'Eyes In Their Hands' broke out in 2021 as a side effect of lockdown. This project of recording improvised 'locked in door's music' (LIM) was the brainchild of disabled sonic/visual artist and musician, Ivan Riches. In 2023 Ivan Riches was joined by Jo-anne Cox, Dee Fry & Simon Purins to form an improvisational quartet; J Cox - cello, D Fry - guitar & vocals, S Puriņš - synths, theremin, noise & field recordings & I Riches - piano, piano treatments & synths. Three of the members of the quartet are disabled musicians. To be part of this unique improvisational sonic journey, follow Eyes In Their Hands on Bandcamp.
This project is a purely experimental vehicle attempting to develop an immersive 360° poetic experience around responses to the effects of COVID and lock down on eight disabled poets/artists, culminating in recorded readings accompanied by soundscapes/music and 360° imagery.
Richard Downes
'To Corona'
Gwyneth Wilson
'Covid Is Coming'
Dave Lupton
'When Covid Came'
Wendy Young
'Little Coughins'
One Inky Queer
(Reanna Valentine)
Kuli Kohli
Michelle D Baharier
'After Covid'
Ivan Riches
'All In This Together'
During March 2022 Richard Downes and Ivan Riches conducted a workshop with six other poets who shared their responses to COVID and lock down. Each artist then wrote poems that described their experiences. These were passed on to Ivan Riches to be sketched into an immersive environment sound/music 360° imagery; some poets donated their own imagery.
Many thanks to Rich for the poetry workshop that inspired us to write and perform our poems.
And thank you to my 360° artist mentor Sue Austin, who helped set me on my immersive journey.
Disability Arts Online COVID-19 Open Commission 2021
Disability Arts Online's 2021 commissions were created in recognition of the difficulties facing disabled, freelance creatives, due the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.
'Home2Home' is an immersive 360-degree online installation/artwork. It visually centres around the artist Ivan Riches experiences of living through lockdown. Its soundtrack consists of 6 disabled artist’s descriptions of their lockdown and how they strive to continue being creative.
Initiated, devised and delivered by Ivan Riches, 'Surroundings' focusses upon memories & experiences of similarity, difference, acceptance & rejection during times of social division.
During WW2, under Stalin's regime, many 'undesirable' citizens were deported, often thousands of miles from their homes.
Peeling Onions with Granny began as a collective of six artists of Polish and Latvian heritage with a direct connection to this history.
The collective has expanded to include other creative practitioners with stories to tell of exile, refuge, migration, journey and 'arrival'. These stories cross generations and countries. Although they carry intense and personal emotional connections, it is our desire that they speak to a universal audience and with a relevance to 'the now' as much as to their historical contexts.
Sonic Vistas is a music and visual art projection project for an ensemble of deaf and disabled musicians, initiated and led by Ivan Riches. Integrating audio, visuals & access via AMT (Assistive Music Technology) it has become a new, crossover artform.
Throughout 2013-15, Eyesociation worked with Age Exchange, across London, to record interviews with members of the London public. The focus was on how families were affected by the conflict then, and across subsequent generations.
Eyesociation were commissioned to work on a pilot project with two museums in Worcester - The George Marshall Medical Museum and The Infirmary - to explore young people's engagement with museum collections, local history and archival material.